Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Science facts

 Agrobiology– the study of plant nutrition and growth in relation to soil

Agrology– the branch of soil science dealing with the production of crops.

Agrostology– the study of grasses

Astrobiology– the study of origin of life

Astrogeology– the study of geology of celestial bodies

Bacteriology– the study of bacteria

Bromatology– the study of food

Cardiology– the study of the heart

Cariology– the study of cells.

Cytology– the study of cells

Cytomorphology– the study of the structure of cells

Dendrochronology– the study of the age of trees and the records in their rings

Dermatology– the study of the skin

Embryology– the study of embryos

Endocrinology– the study of internal secretory glands

Entomology– the study of insects.   

Enzymology– the study of enzymes

Epidemiology– the study of the origin and spread of diseases

Hematology– the study of blood

Kymatology– the study of waves or wave motions

Lithology– the study of rocks

Nephrology– the study of the kidneys

Neurology– the study of nerves

Odontology– the study of the teeth

Oncology– the study of cancer

Oology– the study of eggs

Ophthalmology– the study of the eyes

Ornithology– the study of birds

Paleontology– the study of fossils of ancient life

Psychopathology– the study of mental illness or disorders

Sedimentology– a branch of geology that studies sediments

Seismology– the study of earthquakes

Topology– the mathematical study of closeness and connectedness.

Toxicology– the study of poisons

Virology– the study of viruses

Volcanology (or vulcanology)– the study of volcanoes

Zymology– the study of fermentation

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