Friday, January 22, 2021

Full Form


 1.   PAN – Permanent Account Number.

 2.   PDF – Portable Document Format.

     3.  SIM – Subscriber Identity Module.

     4. ATM – Automated Teller Machine.

     5. ESN – Electronic Serial Number.

6.   UPS- Uninterruptible power supply.            

7. VPN – Virtual Private network.

8.    APN – Access Point Name.

9.     LED – Light Emitting Diode

10   RAM – Random Access Memory.

11.   ROM- Read Only Memory.

12.   VGA- Video Graphics Array.

13.   USB- Universal Serial Bus.

14.   PPI- Pixels Per Inch.

15.  LCD- Liquid Crystal Display.

16.   NFC- Near Field Communication.

17.   OTG- On-The Go.

18.   GSM- Global System for Mobile Communication.

19.   APK- Authenticated Public Key.

20.   SIS- Installation Source.

21.   RSS- Really Simple Syndication.

22.   O.S- Operating System.

23.   SNS- Social Network Service.

24.   H.S- HOTSPOT.

25.  SIS- Installation Service.

26.   P.O.I- Point of Interest.

                           27.  GPS- Global Positioning System.

28.  DTP- Desk Top Publishing.

29.   OVI- Ohio Video Intranet.

30. S-LCD- Super Liquid Crystal.

31.  DNSE- Digital Natural Sound Engine.

32.DVD-Digital Video Disk.

33.   CDMA- Code Division Multiple Access.

34.   DIVX- Digital internet Video Access.

35.   J2ME- Java 2 Micro Edition .

36.   DELL- Digital Electronic Link Library.

37.   WCDMA- Wide-ban Code Division Multiple Access.

38.  ACER- Acquisition Collaboration Experimentation Reflection.

39.   WLAN- Wireless Local Area Network.

40.   HSDPA- High –Speed Down –link Packet Access.

41.  HSDPA- high Speed Uplink Packet Access.

42.   GPRS- General Packet Radio Service.

43.   EDGE- Enhanced Data Rats for Global Evolution.

44 .  DLNA- Digital Living Network Alliance.

  45. QVGA-  Quater Video Graphics Array.

46.   WVGA-Wide Video Great Array.

 47.  WXGA- Widescreen Extended Graphics Array.

  48. VIRUS-Vital Information Resources Under Siege.

49.   UMTS- Universal Mobile Telecommunication System.

 50.  OLED- Organic Light Emitting diode.

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