Thursday, January 28, 2021

Banking sector



A Financial Institution which accepet different from of deposit and lend them to the prospective borrows as well as allows the depositors to withdraw their money from the account by the cheque is a bank.

Bank in as design as:

Govt. Of India


Ministry of Finance



                     Scheduled Bank                       Non Scheduled Bank


              Scheduled Commercial Bank                                                 Scheduled Co-

                                                                                                                           operative Bank


Public Bank                                 Private    Foreign           Regional          

                                                    Bank        Bank                  Rural Bank


Nationalised      state Bank and                                                         Scheduled Central          Scheduled State Co-

Bank                    Its associates                                                          Co-operative Bank          operative Bank

                                                   Old Private       New Private

                                                      Bank                  Bank


RBI (Reserve bank of India)

              RBI was set up in 1935 under RBI Act 1934. Initially its head office was in Calcutta up to 1937. Then the head office had shifted to Mumbai. At the time of formation RBI had 5cr. Capital on 1st April 1935. Its financial year is July to June. RBI had started operation as a nationalised bank  on 1st January 1949.

               The Executive head of the Bank is called Governor and assisted by 21 member :

a)     1 Governor of RBI

b)     4 Deputy Governor.

c)      1 Official appointed by Finance Minister.

d)     10 Director of Local Board appointed by he Central Government.

e)     1 chief operation officer.     

Function of RBI :

1.     Traditional Role :

a.        Issue of  currency notes (except 1 rupee note and all subsidery coins). Before 1957, RBI was issued currency under proportional reserve system – RBI issued currency under minimum server system – RBI has to maintain a minimum of -200 crores in two designated forms (a) Gold reserve - =115 crores (b) .

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