Saturday, January 30, 2021


Business Quotations

1.       Maruti Suzuki                            - Way of Life

2.       Bandhan Bank                           - Aapka Bhala, Sabki Bhala

3.       Bajaj Auto Limited                   - Value for Money, for year.

4.       Esteem                                         - The new Power Version,

5.       Mahinda                                      - Driven by India.

6.       Singapore Airlines                    - A Great way to fly.

7.       BSNL                                              Connecting India

8.       Bank of Barada                          - India’s International Bank.

9.       Allahabad Bank                         - A Traditional Of Trust.

10.   Bank of Maharastra                                - One Family One Bank .

11.   Standard Chartered Bank     - Your Right Partner

12.   Union Bank of india                 - Good people to bank with.

13.   YES Bank                                     - Experiance our Exper tire.

14.   HSBC                                             -World’s Local Bank.

15.   Bharatiya Mahila Bank           - Empowering Women.

Sign and symbols


1.     Lotus             : Culture and Civilization

2.     Wheel           : Progress

3.     Red flag        : Revolution also sign of danger

4.     White flag    : Truce

5.      Yellow flag : Flown on ship carrying patients suffering from infectious diseases

6.     Union Jack   : The National Flag of the U.K.

7.     Star and Stripes, old Glory      : U.S.A

8.     Black flag     : Protest

9.     Olive Branches      : Peace

10.                       Maharaja     : Air India

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Banking sector



A Financial Institution which accepet different from of deposit and lend them to the prospective borrows as well as allows the depositors to withdraw their money from the account by the cheque is a bank.

Bank in as design as:

Govt. Of India


Ministry of Finance



                     Scheduled Bank                       Non Scheduled Bank


              Scheduled Commercial Bank                                                 Scheduled Co-

                                                                                                                           operative Bank


Public Bank                                 Private    Foreign           Regional          

                                                    Bank        Bank                  Rural Bank


Nationalised      state Bank and                                                         Scheduled Central          Scheduled State Co-

Bank                    Its associates                                                          Co-operative Bank          operative Bank

                                                   Old Private       New Private

                                                      Bank                  Bank


RBI (Reserve bank of India)

              RBI was set up in 1935 under RBI Act 1934. Initially its head office was in Calcutta up to 1937. Then the head office had shifted to Mumbai. At the time of formation RBI had 5cr. Capital on 1st April 1935. Its financial year is July to June. RBI had started operation as a nationalised bank  on 1st January 1949.

               The Executive head of the Bank is called Governor and assisted by 21 member :

a)     1 Governor of RBI

b)     4 Deputy Governor.

c)      1 Official appointed by Finance Minister.

d)     10 Director of Local Board appointed by he Central Government.

e)     1 chief operation officer.     

Function of RBI :

1.     Traditional Role :

a.        Issue of  currency notes (except 1 rupee note and all subsidery coins). Before 1957, RBI was issued currency under proportional reserve system – RBI issued currency under minimum server system – RBI has to maintain a minimum of -200 crores in two designated forms (a) Gold reserve - =115 crores (b) .

Sunday, January 24, 2021

ATM types & RBI's circular on ATM Transactions.

 What is ATM(Automated Teller Machine)?

An Automated Teller Machine (ATM) is an electronic banking outlet or electronic telecommunications device that enab les users/customers to access their Bank Accounts and complete their financial transactions like cash withdrawal, cash deposits, transfer funds, and or obtaining their account information. These ATM transactions are performed with the help of a magnetically encoded plastic card (ATM Card or Debit Card) and a code number on it.

Services Offered by an ATM.

1. Cash withdrawal

8. Apply for personal loan


2. Checking account balance

9. Transfer cash


3. Open a fixed deposit

10. Pay your bills


4. Recharge your mobile

11. Book railway tickets


6. Deposit cash



5. Pay income tax


7. Pay insurance premium



Types of ATM transactions:

There are two types of ATM transactions  financial & non-financial transactions. Financial transactions The ATM transactions that are measurable in terms of money.  non-financial transactions – The ATM transactions that do not carry monetary value are non-financial transactions.

Financial Transaction

Non-Financial Transaction

Cash withdrawal

Balance inquiry

Cash deposit

Updating details

Fund transfer from a Bank

Change of pin

Account to other

Viewing mini statement


Cheque book request


RBI rules for Banks with regards to free ATM transactions:

Usage of ATMs – Rationalisation of number of free Transactions.

The number of free same bank ATM transactions & other bank ATM transaction:

Banks must offer to its savings bank account holders a minimum number of free transactions at ATMs as under.

ATM Types

White level ATM

·         ATM machines set up, owned and operated by non-bank entities are called White Label ATMs (WLA).

·         WLA are authorised under the Payment & Settlement Systems Act, 2007, by RBI.

·          These White Label ATMs will not display logo of any particular bank. 

·          The first White Label ATM in India was set up by Tata Communication Payment Solution Limited, under the brand name of IndiCash. 

2. Brown Label ATM

·         The Automated Teller Machines (ATM) in which the hardware of ATM machine is owned by the service provider but the cash management and connectivity with the Banking network is provided by the Sponsor Bank. 

·          The Brown Label ATMs have come up as an alternative between Bank based ATMs & White label ATMs.

3. On-Site ATMs

ATMs that are located inside/besides/just outside the premises of Bank branches are called On-site ATMs.

4. Off-Site ATMs

The ATM machines that are located away from the Bank branches are Off-site ATMs.

5. Work-site ATMs

ATMs that are located inside the premises of any organisation is called Work-site ATMs.

6. Green Label ATMs

ATMs which are dedicated to promote agriculture banking transactions are called Green Label ATMs.

7. Pink Label ATMs

The ATMs that are dedicated to promote Banking Transactions by Women are Pink Label ATMs.

8. Mobile ATMs

ATMs that are not stationary and can relocate from one place to another are called Mobile ATMs. These are mostly installed on a vehicle. ICICI bank was the first bank in India to start a Mobile ATM facility.

Some important Books in 2021, that's all you need to know.

  • Tamal Bandyopadhyay authored book Pandemonium : The Greate Indian Banking trategy.

  • Randeep Guleria and co-written by Chandrakant Lahariya : Till We Win.
    • Chinmay Tumbe's : The Age of Pandemic(1817-1920): How they Shaped Indie and the The World.
    • Vinay Sitapati authored book "Jugalbandie ; The BJP before Modi".
    • Hariharan Balagopal authered book " The Gateway : A Social Commentary on safety of senior Citizens".

    World's First 6G satelite sent into orbit by China ||

     World’s first 6G satellite sent into orbit by

    China has successfully launched the world’s first 6G satellite named “UESTC” satellite (Star Era-12)” into orbit with an aim to test communications from space using high-frequency terahertz (THz) spectrum. It was one of the 13 satellites aboard the Long March-6 rocket, which launched on November 6, 2020 at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Centre in Shanxi province of China.

    Points to remember.

    • The UESTC is named after the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and will test the performance of the 6G frequency band in space which is expected to be over 100 times faster than 5G which is already expected to be ultra-fast.

    • This 70kg test satellite will also verify a number of smart city, environmental protection and disaster prevention applications, such as crop and forest fire monitoring.


    চীন উচ্চ-ফ্রিকোয়েন্সি টেরহার্টজ (টিএইচজেড) বর্ণালী ব্যবহার করে মহাকাশ থেকে যোগাযোগের পরীক্ষা করার উদ্দেশ্যে "ইউইএসটিসি" স্যাটেলাইট (স্টার এরা -১২) নামে বিশ্বের প্রথম G জি উপগ্রহটি সফলভাবে চালু করেছে। এটি লং মার্চ-rocket রকেটের উপরে থাকা ১৩ টি উপগ্রহের মধ্যে একটি ছিল, যা ২০২০ সালের November নভেম্বর চীনের শানসি প্রদেশের তাইউয়ান স্যাটেলাইট লঞ্চ কেন্দ্রে চালু হয়েছিল।

    মুখ্য বিষয়: 

    • ইউইএসটিসির নামকরণ করা হয়েছে ইউনিভার্সিটি অফ ইলেক্ট্রনিক সায়েন্স অ্যান্ড টেকনোলজি অফ চায়না এবং এটি মহাকাশে G জি ফ্রিকোয়েন্সি ব্যান্ডের কার্যকারিতা পরীক্ষা করবে যা 5 জি এর চেয়ে 100 গুণ বেশি গতিবেগের প্রত্যাশিত যা ইতিমধ্যে অতি-দ্রুত হবে বলে আশা করা হচ্ছে।
    • এই 70 কেজি পরীক্ষার উপগ্রহটি বেশ কয়েকটি স্মার্ট সিটি, পরিবেশ সুরক্ষা এবং দুর্যোগ প্রতিরোধ অ্যাপ্লিকেশন যেমন শস্য এবং বন আগুন পর্যবেক্ষণের বিষয়টিও যাচাই করবে।

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