Sunday, February 7, 2021

SPORTS WINNER COUNTRY That you need to know

Women FIFA World Cup

2019 – France


 2019 - Goa ( 36 )

 2020 - Chhattisgarh ( 37 )

 2021- Uttrakhand ( 38 )

 ️2022 - Meghalaya ( 39 )

Winter Olympic

2018 - Pyeong Chang, South Korea 

2022 - Beijing, China 

2026 – Milan & Cortina , Italy

Summer  Paralympic

 2020 – Tokyo, Japan 

 2024 – Paris, France 

 2028 – Los Angeles, USA 

Winter Paralympic

 2018 – Pyeong Chang, South Korea 

 2022 – Beijing, China 

 2026 – Milan & Cortina, Italy

 Summer Olympic 

2020 – Tokyo, Japan 

2024 – Paris, France 

2028 – Los Angeles, USA 

 Asian Games 

2018 – Jakarta &Plembang, Indonesia 

2022 – Hangzhou, China 

2026 – Nagoya, Japan

Common wealth Games 

2018 –Gold coast Australia 

2022–Birmingham, England

FIFA World Cup

2018 – Russia 

2022 – Qatar 

2026- Canada, Mexico, United States

Asia Cup

2018 – UAE 

2022 – Pakistan

FIFA U-17 World Cup

2019- Brazil

ICC Cricket World Cup

2019 – England & Wales 

2023 – India

ICC Women Cricket World Cup

2017 – London, England 

2021 – New Zealand

ICC T-20 World Cup

 2020 – Australia 

 2021 – India

ICC Women’s T- 20 World Cup

2018 – West Indies 

2020 – Australia 

2022 – South Africa

Women’s Hockey World Cup

 2018 – London

2022  -Spain & Netherlands

Men’s Hockey World Cup

2018 –Bhubaneswar, Odisha

2023 - Bhubaneswar & Rourkela

IAAF World C'Ships

2019 – Doha, Qatar 

2021 – Eugene, United States

Men’s World Boxing C'Ships

2019 – Yekaterinburg, Russia 

2021 – New Delhi, India

Women’s World Boxing C'Ships

 2019 – Ulan-Ude, Russia 

 2020- Bogotá, Colombia

 FIFA Club World Cup

2019 - Qatar, Doha

2020 - Qatar, Doha

2021 - China


Saturday, February 6, 2021



1. The term ‘Computer’ is derived from..........

a. Latin

2. Who is the father of Computer?

b. Charles Babbage


3. Who is the father of personal computer?

a. Edward Robert

4. Which of the following controls the process of interaction between the user and the operating system?

a. User interface


5. a combination of hardware and software that facilitates the sharing of information between computing devices.

a. network

6. Who is the inventor of “Difference Engine”?

b. Charles Babbage

7. You organize files by storing them in.........

Ans.- folders

8. A CPU contains.........

Ans.-- a control unit and an arithmetic logic unit

9. What type of resource is most likely to be a shared common resource in a computer Network?

    a. Printers


10.The first computers were programmed using

    b. machine language


11. Which device is required for the Internet connection?

    b. Modem

12. IBM 1401 is.........

    b. Second Generation Computer


13. What is a light pen?

    b. Optical input device

14. Coded entries which are used to gain access to a computer system are called.........

    b. Passwords

15. ALU is.........

     a. Arithmetic Logic Unit

16.Which of the following statements is true ?

    a.Minicomputer works faster than Microcomputer

    d. The speeds of both these computers cannot be compared with the speed of advanced

17. UNIVAC is.........

    a. Universal Automatic Computer

18. Which of the following is a part of the Central Processing Unit?

    a.  Printer 

    b. Key board 

    c. Mouse

    d.  Arithmetic & Logic unit

19. Who is the father of Computer science?

    a. Allen Turing

    b. Charles Babbage

    c. Simur Cray

    d. Augusta Adaming

20. CD-ROM stands for

    a. Compactable Read Only Memory

    b. Compact Data Read Only Memory

    c. Compactable Disk Read Only Memory

21. VGA is.........

    a. Video Graphics Array

    b. Visual Graphics Array

    c. Volatile Graphics Array

    d. Video Graphics Adapter

22. MSI stands for.........

    a. Medium Scale Integrated Circuits

    b. Medium System Integrated Circuits

    c. Medium Scale Intelligent Circuit

    d. Medium System Intelligent Circuit

23. WAN stands for.........

    a. Wap Area Network

    b. Wide Area Network

    c. Wide Array Net

    d. Wireless Area Network

24. The capacity of 3.5 inch floppy

disk is

 d. 1.44 MB

25. MICR stands for

    a. Magnetic Ink Character Reader


26. CAD stands for

a. Computer aided design

27. EBCDIC stands for

a. Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

28. Junk e-mail is also called.........

a. spam 

29 What type of computers are client computers (most of the time) in a client-server system?

c. Microcomputer 

30. The amount of vertical space between lines of text in a document

is called.........

 b. line spacing

31. A computer cannot ‘boot’ if it does not have the.........

c. Operating System 

32. What is embedded system?

d. The computer and software system that control the machine

33.Example of non-numeric data is.........

a. Employee address

33.First page of Website is termed as.....


35. Hackers.........

b. break into other people’s computers

36. ...................... Is the appearance of typed characters?

 b. Format

37. Office LANS, which are scattered geographically on large scale,can be connected by the useof corporate...

d. WAN

38.When a file is saved for the first time......... must be given a name to identify it 

39. Where are data and programme stored when the processor uses them?

a. Main memory

40.......... represents raw facts, where as.......... is data made meaningful.

a.Data, Information.


Saturday, January 30, 2021


Business Quotations

1.       Maruti Suzuki                            - Way of Life

2.       Bandhan Bank                           - Aapka Bhala, Sabki Bhala

3.       Bajaj Auto Limited                   - Value for Money, for year.

4.       Esteem                                         - The new Power Version,

5.       Mahinda                                      - Driven by India.

6.       Singapore Airlines                    - A Great way to fly.

7.       BSNL                                              Connecting India

8.       Bank of Barada                          - India’s International Bank.

9.       Allahabad Bank                         - A Traditional Of Trust.

10.   Bank of Maharastra                                - One Family One Bank .

11.   Standard Chartered Bank     - Your Right Partner

12.   Union Bank of india                 - Good people to bank with.

13.   YES Bank                                     - Experiance our Exper tire.

14.   HSBC                                             -World’s Local Bank.

15.   Bharatiya Mahila Bank           - Empowering Women.

Sign and symbols


1.     Lotus             : Culture and Civilization

2.     Wheel           : Progress

3.     Red flag        : Revolution also sign of danger

4.     White flag    : Truce

5.      Yellow flag : Flown on ship carrying patients suffering from infectious diseases

6.     Union Jack   : The National Flag of the U.K.

7.     Star and Stripes, old Glory      : U.S.A

8.     Black flag     : Protest

9.     Olive Branches      : Peace

10.                       Maharaja     : Air India

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Banking sector



A Financial Institution which accepet different from of deposit and lend them to the prospective borrows as well as allows the depositors to withdraw their money from the account by the cheque is a bank.

Bank in as design as:

Govt. Of India


Ministry of Finance



                     Scheduled Bank                       Non Scheduled Bank


              Scheduled Commercial Bank                                                 Scheduled Co-

                                                                                                                           operative Bank


Public Bank                                 Private    Foreign           Regional          

                                                    Bank        Bank                  Rural Bank


Nationalised      state Bank and                                                         Scheduled Central          Scheduled State Co-

Bank                    Its associates                                                          Co-operative Bank          operative Bank

                                                   Old Private       New Private

                                                      Bank                  Bank


RBI (Reserve bank of India)

              RBI was set up in 1935 under RBI Act 1934. Initially its head office was in Calcutta up to 1937. Then the head office had shifted to Mumbai. At the time of formation RBI had 5cr. Capital on 1st April 1935. Its financial year is July to June. RBI had started operation as a nationalised bank  on 1st January 1949.

               The Executive head of the Bank is called Governor and assisted by 21 member :

a)     1 Governor of RBI

b)     4 Deputy Governor.

c)      1 Official appointed by Finance Minister.

d)     10 Director of Local Board appointed by he Central Government.

e)     1 chief operation officer.     

Function of RBI :

1.     Traditional Role :

a.        Issue of  currency notes (except 1 rupee note and all subsidery coins). Before 1957, RBI was issued currency under proportional reserve system – RBI issued currency under minimum server system – RBI has to maintain a minimum of -200 crores in two designated forms (a) Gold reserve - =115 crores (b) .

SPORTS WINNER COUNTRY That you need to know

Women FIFA World Cup 2019 – France NATIONAL GAMES OF INDIA  2019 - Goa ( 36 )  2020 - Chhattisgarh ( 37 )  2021- Uttrakhand ( 38 )  ️2022 - ...